style="margin-top:40px;"Infinite Improbability
  Infinite Improbability  

"In grammar school they taught me that a frog turning into a prince was a fairy tale. In the university they taught me that a frog turning into a prince was a fact!"
-Ron Carlson

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Comments by Enetation


Where we're going, we don't need roads

I used one of my last remaining employee guest passes to go to the Wild Animal Park Wednesday night. (Used the last one to visit the Zoo today and see the baby panda. All together now - awwwwww!) Anyway, the WAP was mostly uneventful; not much to do at night there except look at the lights, which is, of course, the main point of visiting there in the evening in winter. There were some carolers who performed while we were eating dinner. They were pretty good and, to my eternal astonishment, actually sang some religious Christmas carols! "Go Tell it on the Mountain" and "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" to be exact. But, I have to say, the most exciting part of the evening was not at the WAP at all. My mom and I were meeting my dad up there after he left work, but since you have to pay for parking at the WAP, we planned to meet at the mall a few miles down the road and drive one car instead of two the rest of the way. While we were waiting in the mall parking lot I passed the time watching the cars. It was early evening, so it was dim enough most cars had headlights on, but not completely dark yet. As one car rounded a curve in the lot and came into my view, it only took me a split second to recognize the headlights and front grille of a car I've only seen on the road one or two other times in my life: a Delorean. Now, understand, I was a car nut when I was little. Didn't know a whole lot about them (and I still don't), but I loved to admire them. And, being a big fan of sci-fi/fantasy/action-adventure movies, I love Back to the Future. So I think seeing a Delorean is pretty exciting. But as the car came closer I noticed one other thing about it. It looked exactly like the car in BTTF, from the strange vents on the back, to the wires, down to the Mr. Fusion sitting behind the rear window. The owner had tricked this car out to look exactly like Doc Brown's time machine. They parked in the lot just outside JC Penney and the two occupants went into the store. So of course we had to go over and take a look. Fortunately, since we were on our way to the WAP, we had the camera with us.

And then on the way home I saw the "Farscape" car. There's someone who lives in my neighborhood who drives a red Volvo with FRSCAPE on the plates. Never talked to them because I don't know exactly where they live and I've only ever seen the car out on the road, never in a lot. Someday I'll have to meet them.

  posted by Tyria @ 18:54

Friday, December 30, 2005  
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