style="margin-top:40px;"Infinite Improbability
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"In grammar school they taught me that a frog turning into a prince was a fairy tale. In the university they taught me that a frog turning into a prince was a fact!"
-Ron Carlson

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Comments by Enetation



Just saw it today. Cool. That's all I can say. I can't believe they did a few things, and it was way more violent than the TV show ever was (because, of course, there's a limit to what they can put on TV), but it was an incredible movie. In fact, I do believe it's the first movie I've seen in recent memory where I haven't looked at my watch half way through. Not that I haven't enjoyed other movies (though this one was certainly the most enjoyable in a good long while), but usually I'm curious in certain points as to what point in the movie we're in, and how much longer it has to resolve itself. In Serenity I never once looked at my watch, partly for the simple reason that I didn't want to take my eyes off the screen, but also I didn't want to look at the time and suddenly realize it was almost over. It was like a really long episode . . . and I want the next one! Fortunately, I do hear there might be a sequel or two in the works. Probably rumors, but one can always hope. One thing I did note, I think they toned down the whole western motif for the movie. Probably to make it more accessible to people who never saw the show (I do know that was one major complaint some people had with Firefly - too much old west), but there wasn't even a single horse! They could've at least stuck a horse in the background of one of those settlements they visited. Anyway, considering that's my biggest complaint with the film, it's pretty darn good. Definitely want to see it again. I wonder if I can drag my sister to it. Oh, and Orson Scott Card called it the best sci-fi movie ever.

  posted by Tyria @ 17:29

Thursday, October 13, 2005  
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